Bother, Stone Sour (acordes)

Autor: Charly7x | 45518 visualizaciones


Em       D      Em      D
Wish I was too dead to cry
D                  Em      
Self affliction I face
Em          D       Em    D
Stones to throw at my creator
D               G      D
Masochists to which I cater

Em                   D
You don't need to bother
Em             B
I don't need to be
Em                   D 
I'll keep slipping farther
C                  D                   Em
Once I hold on I won't let go till it bleeds

A background run after the course Sounds more from the Bass
[Em D B A]

Verse 2
Wish I was too dead to care
If indeed I can at all
Never had the voice to protest
So you fed me 
I wish I had a reason 
My flaws are open season
For this I gave up trying
One good turn deserves my time

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