Crazy Little Thing Called Love, Queen (acordes) (ver 2)

Autor: cris_the beatles | 52002 visualizaciones


This thing called love
 Sol          Do    Sol 
i just can't handle it
this thing called love
 Sol          Do   Sol 
i must get round to it
i ain't ready
 Sib          Do   Re
crazy little thing called love

This thing[this thing]called love[called love]
it cries[like a baby]in a cradle all night
it swings[woo woo],it  jives[woo woo]
it shakes all over like a jelly fish
i kinda like it
crazy little thing called love

 Sib           Do Sol Re
There goes my baby
    Do             Sol 
she knows how to rock 'n' roll
she drives me crazy
          Mi           La 
she gives me hot and cold fever
then she leaves me in a cool cool sweat

 Re Do# Do La Sol# Sol Mi La 

 Sib       Do    Re
I gotta be cool, relax, get hip
get on my track's
take a back seat, hitch-hike
and take a long ride on my motor bike 
until i'm ready
crazy little thing called love

solo:   Sib Do Re

i gotta be cool...
this this thing called love...

  Sib Do Re.....

Comentarios del colaborador: nada espero que les guste es complicada pero buena

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Más versiones de Crazy Little Thing Called Love, Queen
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
Crazy Little Thing Called Love (ver 2)
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
video guitarra
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