Party Doll, Mick Jagger (acordes)

Autor: santyand | 33724 visualizaciones


Re  La  Sim Sol  2x 
Re                                       La 
You used to be my party doll 
Sim                                        Sol 
But now you say the party's over 
Re                                        La 
You used to love to honky tonk 
Sim                                      Sol 
But now the honky tonking over 
La                  Re                     Sol 
Now life is a bitter thing my sweet 
La                 Sim           Sol 
Now life is a mistery to me 
Mim                      La 
Love's pain I ain't buying 
Mim                              Sol 
Love's strange, I keep flying, flying, flying 
Re                                       La 
You used to be my party doll 
Sim                                      Sol 
But now you want to live in clover 
Re                                           La 
You used to be my number one 
Sim                                           Sol 
But now those salad days are over 
La                                   Re              Sol 
Time's change, but the facination stays 
La                                 Sim              Sol 
And love wins but the passion just fades 
Mim                 La 
I'll drink to the dancing days 
Mim                            Sol 
I'll drink to your crazy ways 
Through the wiskey haze 
Re                                       La 
Face the music, face the truth 
                   Sim                      Sol 
Chase that fleet sweet bird of youth 
               Re                           La 
Grow up sweetly, Grow up strong 
               Sim                    Sol 
Hear the heartbeat in my song 
solo   Re  La  Sim  Sol 
          Re  La  Sim  Sol 
          La  Re  Sol 
          La  Sim  Sol 
Mim                      La 
Love's pain I ain't buying 
Mim                                   Sol  
And loves strange, I keep trying, trying, trying 
Re                                       La 
You used to be my party doll 
Sim                                        Sol 
But now you say the party's over 
Re                                         La 
You used to love to honky tonk 
Sim                                                Sol 
But now those dancing days are over 
Re                                            La 
You used to be my number one 
Sim                                            Sol 
But now you've vanished in the ozone 
End    Re  La  Sim Sol    [repeats] 

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