14 Years, Guns N´ Roses (acordes)

Autor: Raziel | 30375 visualizaciones



14 Years Acordes
[Stradlin / Rose]

Am         G
I try and feel the sunshine
F                   E
You bring the rain
Am             G
You try and hold me down
F                       E
With your complaints
Am              G
You cry and moan and complain
 F                  E
You whine an tear
Am          G   
Up to my neck in sorrow
      F              E
The touch you bring
Am         C                          D
You just don't step inside to 14 years
Am           C                        D               
So hard to keep my own head... that's what I say
Am                  C                   D
You know...I've been the beggar...
Am   C             D
I've played the thief
Am          C                  D         
I was the dog...they all tried to beat

But it's been
G               D
14 years of silence
It's been
G               D
14 years of pain
It's been
G                       D
14 years that are gone forever
Am               G                 D
And I'll never have again

Am  G  F  E

"las mimas notas de arriba las pones aca"

Your stupid girlfriends tell you
That I'm to blame
Well they're all used-up has-beens
Out of the game
This time I'll have the last word
You hear what I say
I tried to see it your way
It won't work today
You just don't step inside to 14 years
So hard to keep my own head...that's what I say
You know...I've been the dealer...
Hangin' on your street
I was the dog...they all tried to beat

But it's been
14 years of silence
It's been
14 years of pain
It's been
14 years that are gone forever
And I'll never have again

Bullshit and contemplation
Gossip's their trade
If they knew half the real truth
What would they say
Well I'm past the point of concern
It's time to play
These last 4 years of madness
Sure put me straight
Don't get back 14 years
In just one day
So hard to keep my own head
Just go away
You know...just like a hooker she said
Nothin's for free
Oh I tried to see it your way
I tried to see it your way

****Un saludo para todo el combo*** 

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14 Years
14 Years (ver 2)
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