There Is A Light That Never Goes Out, The Smiths (acordes)

Autor: ayelen_fs | 31964 visualizaciones


There Is A Light That Never Goes Out

Tom: E
Introdução: F#m  A B

C#m B   C#m B    A     E B
   Take me out tonight
     C#m      B         C#m     B    
where there's music and there's people
                     A     E B        
who are young and alive

C#m B           C#m B
Driving in your car
  A                      E  B
I never never want to go home
                  C#m   B   C#m  B
because I haven't got one
   A     E B

C#m B   C#m B    A     E B
   Take me out tonight
          C#m         B
because I want to see people and I
C#m         B       A  E B
want to see lights

C#m B           C#m B
Driving in your car
   A                    E B
oh please don't drop me home
                 C#m B  
because it's not my home, it's their
C#m B                         A  E B            
home, and I'm welcome no more

Chorus: [F#m A B]
           E             C#m
  And if a double-decker bus
  crashes into us
 B          E
  to die by your side
         A               B
  such a heavenly way to die

           E         C#m
  And if a ten ton truck
  kills the both of us
 B          E
  to die by your side
      A                         B
  the pleasure the privilege is mine

C#m B      C#m B   A    E B
   Take me out tonight
           C#m B       C#m B     A  E B
oh take me anywhere, I don't care...

           C#m B         C#m B
And in the darkened underpass
             A                               E B
I thought Oh God, my chance has come at last
            C#m B                       C#m B
[but then a strange fear gripped me and I
                  A  E B
just couldn't ask]

C#m B      C#m B   A    E B
   Take me out tonight
           C#m B       C#m B     A  E B
take me anywhere, I don't care...

     C#m B       C#m B
Just driving in your car
  A                      E B
I never never want to go home
                  C#m B  C#m B
because I haven't got one
          A       E B
I haven't got one


C#m B                   C#m B     
There is a light and it never goes out
A                       E          B
There is a light and it never goes out

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